09 February, 2012


Obama insists on making the Catholic Church provide services which are against their beliefs. He insists the church cover birth control because other organizations have to provide this same coverage. Dems and liberals in general want their message of, "poor women can't afford the extra cost" to be in the news because they believe it helps paint the Republicans in a bad light. They say if the church fails to provide them with contraception insurance they wouldn't be able to afford insurance and it puts poor women at risk.

For the sake of argument lets agree with the Dems. Poor women can't afford the cost of getting birth control themselves. Whoa hoss! Let's just back up here a minute son. It seems to me we just went through a big blow up with P.P.The extra attention from media was a huge fund raiser for P.P. in the end. After that trouble P.P. was able to raise several million dollars and it was all because a charitable foundation had withdrawn funding due to an on-going investigation into P.P. activities concerning underage girls getting abortions.

Planned parenthood received about 270 million in 07 from the Federal Government In 2011 they managed to rake in over 360 million dollars. That's a lot of bucks to an organization, considering their biggest contribution to the world is abortions. Wow! Man oh Man! That is some kind of dough. The more I think about it the harder it is for me to get that information through my head. We all are a part of that if we quietly accept those actions and do not protest in some way.

Since the taxpayer is already providing 360 million to Planned Parenthood which already provides a birth control program free of charge, why would this administration still demand the Catholic Church go against its own teaching? Could you guess that maybe, just maybe that this is for a totally different reason than contraception? I feel this is all about religion. In this day and time our society has produced a population that seems to be scared knowing the truth and the facts about the real religion of America.

1 comment:

  1. Now I hear Obama will make concessions about Catholic Church problem
