28 February, 2012

perhaps it is time

I listened this morning as different media sources discussed the shooting that took place yesterday in Iowa. Some of the tone coming out was about this being a real tragedy but in the background there was the questions of what could have been done to prevent this. Of course there is already the desire of those on the left to control firearms. This false claim of guns causing the problems is once again at the center of this event  and gun control is always the answer for fixing this sort of problem. The call for more regulations on gun ownership is coming from some. They continue to search for a reason why this continues to happen in our society but they look in the wrong place.

Could it be perhaps maybe if the Democrats had only been able to get God completely out of view sooner. All this church stuff and people thinking Preachers could actually present faith as a reason for people to think their future could possible be better. Kids should know that government is the only out for them and there is  nothing else they can look forward  and stop dreaming that there could be something better out there. If those dreadful ten commandments had only been removed in the fifties.

Perhaps if abortion had only been more accepted earlier in our history then maybe that kid would never have been born and that way no deaths in school. Maybe promoting more homosexual and gay rights and fighting to allow children to think they are another gender and that it's fine to think such things, perhaps then it would have prevented the shooting. If only Republicans had not been so obstructive to Obama and then that shooting in Arizona would not have happened and then this shooting wouldn't have happened either. Yeah that's probably what caused this or because all of those things contributed anyway. Republicans always wanting family to have the final say with their children and always trying to promote religion in everyday lives. How outrageous an idea that is.

The attention of the liberals in this country has been focused on anti family and religion for generations now. During that time they have fought with a passion almost unbelievable against christian beliefs being a part of society. The democrat struggle has been to fight against the very things which help children understand one another to help children learn to forgive to help children learn the difference between right and wrong. They have fought to over rule family itself and intervene where never before has government intervened.  Their fight has even been to allow a religion that teaches hate against others to be left to its own device while the Christian religion has been persecuted almost on a daily basis. It is time Christians stand up and tell the world we will not be silenced to some corner and ignored any longer. We matter.

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