07 December, 2010

Tax Cuts For The Rich Explained

2009 Tax Law says Tom owes $12,000 a year in taxes, and Sammy owes nothing.
2009 tax year---Tom pays $12,000 in taxes to the Government and Sammy pays nothing just like 2008.

Republicans get elected to office, Big fight takes place and Obama signs Tax Cuts For the Rich.

2010 Brand New Tax Law says Tom owes $12,000 a year in taxes and Sammy nothing.
2010 tax year---Tom pays $12,000 in taxes to the Government and Sammy pays nothing just like 2009.

Then Democrats say they must borrow $12,000 from China to pay for Toms' tax cut because the terrorist Republicans are holding Sammy hostage. So when the Dems get this $12,000 from China just who are they going to give it to? I mean after all they have to pay for Toms tax cut. Are they going to give the money to Tom since he already paid his $12,000 to the Government? No they want to give part to Sammy cause he isn't ready to go back to work yet. Then they want to give some to Sammy's Union and some to the school where Sammy's kids go and they want to give to liberal colleges, the NPR, invest some with George Soros in moon beam power and then help Charlie Rangel and Maxine Waters with their legal bills and then probably just piss the rest off somewhere down in the islands.

Try as you might there is no way to spin this story of taxing ourselves into prosperity. When you take from one pocket to put into another pocket you have gained not one thing. To take money from one person and give to another does not increase the wealth of the country and it does not level the field it simply creates strife and division.

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