17 December, 2010

Sizing down the EU

European Union and EFTAImage via Wikipedia
There are problems worldwide and they continue to expand with each passing day. Many of those problems reside in the financial stability of the EU. With looming financial problems I look for the European Union to eliminate some of their members. Germany is in a position of prominence and with their economy being in so much better shape than the rest of the EU, they will be the country that dictates which countries will be pushed out of the group which now  makes up the EU. The monetary problems facing countries within the EU will find their way into Belgium and Austria, just like Greece, Portugal, and Ireland and this will just lead to more of the same thing in the near future.

We're looking at 26 or so countries which make up the EU at this point in time. You can look for Germany to knock down the number of countries to around 10 which will become the core of the EU in the near future. Got to remember the big bank is in Germany and they do hold the purse strings. They can yea or nay those countries that come to the EU with hand out asking for help. Lets just say I have my doubts when it comes to what really lies in the heart of Germany. Not sure why this came to mind other than it's sort of like lots of things here lately, just popped in from out of left field perhaps.
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