09 June, 2014

oink! oink! said the politician

Today the Senate was discussing student loans with the usual group of liberal Democrat and amongst the brilliant observations there came a question about cost of education in our colleges across the nation and how to help hold back the constant increase in tuition. Since the liberal answer to almost everything is always more government, "which translates to more money", why they pretended this new phenomenon, "cost of education" would suddenly be an issue made no sense to me. The ranks of Senators asking the question like so many in politics these days were possibly lawyers and if not lawyers they were the "big thinkers" from liberal strongholds across the country.

Is there any wonder why the answer could not be found? I personally find their lackluster stab at problem solving amusing to say the least. You want to lower the cost of education then very simply get the damn government out of trying to run education and leave it to the states to do that job, First remove the Fed then secondly stop giving and/or backing loans. As long as these colleges have the assurances government will be backing, (picking up) the cost of tuition there is no reason whatsoever to lower any cost dealing with education including tuition or tenured professors.

What would happen when the funds dry up from Uncle Sam? Very simple all those fancy-schmancy shenanigans would cease and competition for jobs as instructors would increase. Salaries would then follow common sense laws of what a willing buyer would pay to a willing seller. The students who often become professions students would be eliminated, students who use Uncle Sam as a day care centers would no longer be a choice unless that student was independently wealthy. Those doing the admitting would now actually be interested in helping students achieve feasible career choices not just adding another student to the rolls making a bit bigger payday for their institution. At this point public schools managed by the states would see improvements and maybe a real interest by parents and students alike to make sure they are well qualified when it is time to enter the doors of higher education.

So once again the Senate does what it always does they form committees and have hearings time and time again never reaching out to common sense Americans for solutions. Our Government appears to no longer care about the people, they are thinking about themselves, their family and their continued ability to grab a teat to hold on to while they squeeze, twist, squeal, or whatever it takes to make sure they get one more round at the feed-trough of government which is this country's' biggest pig farm.

Now before anyone gets upset about my use of perhaps too colorful language and takes offense I will take this opportunity to express my apologies to any of Americas hard working citizens making their livelihood from actual pig farming.  The labor of these hard-working Americans puts billions of dollars into our economy and put people to work which allows them to pay taxes which helps to pay the bill politicians make. Politicians never create or produce any item that adds to the treasury.

To the pigs of this great country and those hard working farmers who maintain those animals. Please accept my apology for comparing the pig to a politician.

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