27 July, 2012

gun rights

Since the shooting deaths in Aurora it's amazing how many liberals have come forward again with the same tired pleas for more gun control. All Americans want these senseless killings stopped and that means everyone, Democrats, Republicans, Conservatives, and Liberals alike. But that plea is old and when it comes to the idea of simply taking guns from honest people somehow will solve the senseless killing such as those in Aurora is a daydream. It does not hold water.  That's the type of story-line that would best be used in fairy tales not for changing  the minds of gang-banging thugs, crooks, and nuts that we see in everyday life.  

I just can't make myself think the same way Democrats think when it comes to gun control.  At every opportunity when firearms are used to commit crimes there's an immediate call to restrict gun rights of law abiding citizens with another law. It doesn't matter what the law is just institute another law. It doesn't matter if the law is against owning guns or shooting guns or the types of guns, just give them a law. Makes no difference what the law is but please hurry-up and lets get another law on the books. Yep institute another law on the books, right where hundreds of laws already exist all of this in another wasted effort to control guns and restrict the rights of gun owners. It's kind of obvious to me that all the gun laws they have on the books now didn't do a damn thing to curtail those most recent killings and putting another dozen laws on the books is not going to help either. Until the mindset of the individuals who are pulling the triggers on those guns can be changed, you can bet no amount of new gun laws will do anything at all to change gun violence in this country. When we find a way to get the person who pulls the trigger to find some semblance of empathy nothing changes except maybe the cost of funerals.

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