27 July, 2012

gun rights

Since the shooting deaths in Aurora it's amazing how many liberals have come forward again with the same tired pleas for more gun control. All Americans want these senseless killings stopped and that means everyone, Democrats, Republicans, Conservatives, and Liberals alike. But that plea is old and when it comes to the idea of simply taking guns from honest people somehow will solve the senseless killing such as those in Aurora is a daydream. It does not hold water.  That's the type of story-line that would best be used in fairy tales not for changing  the minds of gang-banging thugs, crooks, and nuts that we see in everyday life.  

I just can't make myself think the same way Democrats think when it comes to gun control.  At every opportunity when firearms are used to commit crimes there's an immediate call to restrict gun rights of law abiding citizens with another law. It doesn't matter what the law is just institute another law. It doesn't matter if the law is against owning guns or shooting guns or the types of guns, just give them a law. Makes no difference what the law is but please hurry-up and lets get another law on the books. Yep institute another law on the books, right where hundreds of laws already exist all of this in another wasted effort to control guns and restrict the rights of gun owners. It's kind of obvious to me that all the gun laws they have on the books now didn't do a damn thing to curtail those most recent killings and putting another dozen laws on the books is not going to help either. Until the mindset of the individuals who are pulling the triggers on those guns can be changed, you can bet no amount of new gun laws will do anything at all to change gun violence in this country. When we find a way to get the person who pulls the trigger to find some semblance of empathy nothing changes except maybe the cost of funerals.

23 July, 2012

it's the gunner, stupid

Aurora Colorado and a well hyped movie that drew hundreds of expectant fans looking forward to an evening of pleasure with friends and relaxation turned out to be the scene of another terrible shooting. A young man lost in the demented darkness of his mind decided to take the lives of people he did not know for reasons we may never know. Now in the aftermath of this horrendous shooting it is inevitable the two sides of an aged fight will once again come to loggerheads and begin their argument about guns and gun control.

The problem is the NRA and its' influence on politicians. This claim is always first on the list of Democrat  reasons for gun violence in America. It is true that the NRA is a very powerful organization in this country. Also powerful in this country is the auto, education, and government worker unions of many stripes. When the Liberals say how powerful the NRA is they forget where that power comes from. The power of the NRA comes from the members of that organization who love their country and willingly give money to a cause they believe in an effort to insure the survival of their 2nd amendment, and in doing that they hope to preserve their gun rights not only for now but for generations to come.

I constantly hear the whines from liberals about the guns' clip holding too many rounds or the gun firing too fast or the gun being too big. The Dems often claim if those objections or certain items were eliminated there would be no more worries and then all the gun problems would be OK. That is all would be OK if just one more little thing could also be done. It would then be OK if, it was registered, oh registered and one more detail, if you were licensed, yeah licensed and almost forgot, if the gun was separated from bullets at home. yep separated and home, Oh and, yes that and then, if the gun was under lock and key and almost forgot this, lock and key and if it were numbered and inspected annually and, course numbered inspected and have to hire more federal workers but well then that brings up one more thing, the workers and if you were checked out annually on the gun and, oh annual check and last thing, if you were mentally evaluated yearly and, this really is the last thing for now OK?evaluation and Fees would need to be instituted to do all these, "and you probably get the idea there will always be one more item to add to the list no  matter what is claimed by the Dems there will always be one more item to add.

Of course I personally believe what the liberals say, don't you? Hell No! It is not the caliber of gun. It is not the size of clip for the gun. It is  not semi-auto or auto. It is not the number of guns. What then do you ask is the problem of all these killings going on in here in the US of A? And I say it is the person behind the trigger of that gun that is the problem. Always has been and always will be and until something is done at that point of the equation then these things will continue as they have been in the past and will never change no matter the number of laws one might institute. 

To those who will lose a loved one in the future as well those who have lost a loved one already I simply ask this, When that loved one is dead on the street will you feel better or more safe if they were shot down with a single shot, semi automatic, or fully automatic rifle or, if they were beaten to death with a baseball bat versus tire iron or, stabbed to death with a hunting knife versus a Kitchen knife or, strangled with a phone line versus a belt or, and the list continues.

10 July, 2012

flip flopper?

The president and liberals are giving Romney hell for being a businessman. Our times have changed dramatically when it is acceptable to ridicule success. Romney has done extremely well in his professional life and should be considered a roll model, rather they have made him out to be the villain. We have Obama and the Democrats doing all they can to make Romney out as an, out of touch rich millionaire who wants to ship jobs out of America.

Obama on the other hand thinks money from tax payers is all it takes to run this country and if those people happens to be on the government payroll then everything is solved. If you need more taxes just hire more people to work for government and they pay more taxes into the government. Now I'm serious, there are millions out there who think this is great and would work just as I have written; hire more government workers.

Well that don't work and if you want things to work you need as few people as possible on the government payroll and you need more people out there in the real world, working and paying taxes, the type who are creating products and services out there selling what some person wants to buy. They aren't out there to dig a hole then fill it, dig it again and fill it again, nope that's called government jobs and we don't need too many of those type jobs anymore.

So we have Romney who created jobs and although some companies did move overseas many stayed and grew in size to employ thousands more people who pay real taxes from those real jobs he created in the real world. But democrats and the president call Romney a flip flopper. Now on the other hand we have the president who not only sent jobs away from America he gave away 2 billion dollars plus he shut their competition down here in America and to rub salt in the wound Obama offered the foreign company a real bonus that said we would become their largest customer. I'm talking about a Brazilian oil company who got 2 billion dollars of American tax dollars that could have gone to Americans needing money to start jobs here in this country. Instead he shipped those jobs out of the country and shut down drilling in the Gulf of Mexico and lost drilling rigs that may never come back to this country. So who is the flip flopper?