03 March, 2012


I just listened to an announcement from one of the national news sources that reported five servicemen have been identified and the word out now is they will be held responsible for the burning of the Korans. Even though this was not an intentional act they are going to hold these servicemen responsible. If this type of fear is allowed to continue we may as well hand our enemies the key to the front door of the White House. How we have gotten to this point is unbelievable to me.

When the most powerful country in the world starts bending over, bowing down, and basically kissing the asses of our enemies we are no longer that powerful country our forefathers left us. There was a time when this country stood up for what was right. The line at one time was bright and easy seen by anyone who would look. There was no mistaking where the line was, and there was no mistaking what it meant to be on the wrong side of that line. Today because of the liberal left manipulation of society we can't chance upsetting some make-believe lines drawn in the heads of our new social engineer-masters.

We need to return to an earlier time of self-sufficiency to that time when, we were those people who clung to "God and guns".  It has become quite clear unless we return to a lifestyle similar to that then we're finished as a country and as a people.  Take the 1950's and ask yourself, if government told us we had to take care of people who didn't want to work, would we have said? Maybe we would have said, well since I have a job and make a paycheck I guess it will be OK if they don't want to work I'll just give them part of mine. I don't think so. And what if those people needed a good car and wanted to go to college and wanted new clothes? Oh yeah, we know that somebody will need to buy them contraception products because you have to remember since their not working, hey... they will  have plenty of energy and time for lots of sex.

Today you have politicians out there who are willing to take advantage of the truth and will make unrealistic promises in hopes that certain groups think they can vote themselves a permanent paycheck by pulling the voting lever for them. In earlier generations this would never have been acceptable. There was an independent spirit which was very  strong in America and it permeated the nation. This country believed in right and wrong and that belief was the foundation that helped make this country.

That same spirit still exists in America today but too much government intervention has caused some voters to become dependent on something  never imagined in earlier generations and that's government handouts. When politicians seem to ignore the principles of the Constitution  and seem to be willing to compromise their integrity for votes it sets everyone up for failure. We must be able to have complete faith in our government and when that faith is destroyed the devastation will far exceed the shores of this great land and its citizens.

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