05 November, 2011

could it happen?

Troubles across Europe consume the masses of many in those countries America helped save so many years ago. Those troubles have stirred the birth pangs of a long talked about step-child called a "one world government". America is facing some very trying times as well and will look for solutions and not all of those solutions will be peaceful. Voices have been raised from the four corners trying to alert any who would listen that a One World Government should be created. The stories spread and they laughed and they scoffed and they ridiculed. Europe, that land of such diversity slowly began reaching out one country to another and slowly many of their borders became less visible. Then with a slow pace boundaries once closely guarded by man and gun and accessible only with appropriate papers and stamps began to remove guards and guns and spread open arms to welcome all who wished to enter.

Treaty after treaty over the centuries were signed and violated often before ink had dried even as the signers shook hands. But now the ink on newer treaties have dried and those new treaties have started to bring the loosely bound lands together and they now have slowly begun to entertwine with one another in hopes of strengthening economies trying to survive there while avoiding the troubles which plagued Europe of the past, things like wars of world proportions which caused the loss of millions of lives in the process. Always there comes a leader and from that emerges the beginnings of trouble because such a change requires a very strong hand to direct the changes that must be made. 

The changes will not be good for all parties and there will be losers along with the winners. What will be necessary to implement such changes and make these differing countries and people become strong enough to be "a country" and not break into many pieces?. When such an event as a one world government is to be instituted there will have to be something to hold these diverse groups together. In reality there are only a few options available to make this happen. One of those is force. When there are so many people of different nationalities, different views, and different heritage brought together  there has to be order and there has to be someone/something in charge with the power to maintain that order. 

Size matters and in this case since we are not dealing with one on one but are dealing with countries and great numbers of people that make up many millions we will need something stronger than one big man with one big stick going against another big man with another big stick. To maintain order of the population there would have to be legions of men with guns not sticks. This would be one way to control the masses and create some semblance of order... an army. 

Order can also come from family but this OWG will not be family.  Besides an army to establish rule, bloodlines can control a great many people and order can be maintained since family has its own built in set of rules to create that order needed to maintain structure and keep anarchy at bay. Since we are talking countries and millions by the millions of people this will not be done through family bloodlines.

Army, Bloodlines/families are two choices available to establish for a one world government but we have one other choice to help establish the order needed to maintain stability and peace. That will be religion. The religion of Islam has controlled masses of people for centuries. Now what other religion do we have at this point which shares the number of people like Islam? A world religion to compare to Islam would have to have a large number of followers and a leader strong enough to command followers to adhere to that religions policy. 

If there is to be a One World Government it will be ruled with an army or it will be ruled by a religion. We can forget the family running the outfit because we just don't have one big enough. So what needs to be done is to keep your eyes open for country breakdowns, strikes, and things like food shortages look around and when this happens grab you some self-protection and your bag of beans because some of us just won't fit into this new family/OWG.

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