03 April, 2011

mans struggles

Child Saluting American FlagImage by respres via Flickr
I listen to people in the news business talking about the democracy taking over the Middle East. I find it so unbelievable that well read journalists would be as gullible to think democracy would actually grow in a part of the world that has only known sharia law given to them by the Koran. Democracy is a system rooted in choice and equality and these two things totally oppose the Muslim teachings of sharia law and therefore are incompatible with democracy.

The fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan has taken the lives of thousands of brave American since that fateful strike on 9-11. The population of a country once unified by a decision to retaliate against terrorists now stands divided. People are divided over ideals and after spending billions of dollars on a conflict which has lasted a decade. But along with the strife which developed between Americans that division has cost us something else. The enemy now sees that America has lost the pride in its power and now the enemy has taken advantage of that of loss of pride and they no longer fear we will strike into their homeland..

A stir began that fateful day when those buildings fell in New York and now has spread to the corners of the world. Today people of all walks of life watch the Middle East but their eyes are on the US and they wonder. They wonder why a nation once so great as America now stands hardly more than a pale imitation of it's former greatness. America is standing with its head bowed as if in shame while nations of terror hold them at bay with only words, words of threats. The world and this nation has embarked on a journey of profound importance and it will hold lasting consequence. Mankind holds the potential  for world destruction through nuclear ability  and should those weapons which so many nations have at their disposal be used then that will be the last war of mankind. With those thoughts in mind, more so now than at any other time in our history man needs to turn his heart to God and pray, and do so fervently.
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