21 March, 2010


Politicians are a horrible breed if you judge them as a group. Somewhere amongst those serving at this time if you search with diligence you could find a few that would be deserving some amount of praise. It seems at times the majority of them stand where they are for the purpose of money or power and nothing more. Honor, on the other hand was what was given to the position that early statesmen held. They sought their political positioin to serve their country and in so doing fulfill an obligation they felt was worthy while some did so in an attempt to repay what God had so graciously given to the early founders of this magnificent country.

We stand in a country different in many ways from the early days of this country. Men going to jail for bribery, sexual misconduct among members are on the rise, Acts of dishonesty against the country itself stand out as traits that bring dishonor and shame to a country founded on a belief that it was God which helped America become so great. We move away from those days of greatness when politicians change the rules of the game in order to push forward an ideological agenda that pushes the country faster and further into the kind of debt approaching meltdown.

People across this country have raised their voices in opposition to what Congress is attempting to do. This latest fight over health care is causing people to ask more questions and look deeper into the solutions being offered by a congress which no longer garners much respect with a great number of people in this country. They stand near a vote which will decide if our health system pushes the country towards a more socialist system. It's a shame that across the ocean where socialism is being traded in for capitalism this country has decided to take a step backward into the very system Europe seems to be discarding. Very soon we will know how bad a deal congress has made for the country if the bill for a health care take-over is passed.

Politicians that vote for this socialist style health system will have earned the representation of being a very horrible breed. I can only hope that somehow congress will have heard the voices from across the land and not vote for a program that will bring further ruin to America.

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