15 August, 2009

the bill don't say that

Obama and his pundits say the right wing radicals and their crazies need to stop trying to spread lies about health care, tax and trade, freedom of speech, socialization of business, and other lies the right wing mobs are known for. Obama and the loyal MSNBC pundits agree the bills to be voted on don't contain anything to harm the good people of this country. The wording is not what the right wing says and therefore the public shouldn't worry about it. Their bill would never allow those complaints to come to fruition. When the bill is signed then all the people can relax.

Relax after the bill is signed, because it doesn't say what the republicans are claiming? Well why not take Obama, his pundit friends, and the Democrat Party at their word if the bill doesn't say what the Republicans claim? After all when something is signed into law, then that settles things does it not? I mean when a bill becomes law then those words written down into that law are solid as rock.

Well you decide, There is that law that Women have the right to have an abortion when ever they want, another law that says Christians cannot celebrate their Holy days in public places, Then there's that law that prohibits children from Prayer in school or even at games, Oh, and then there is the law that says citizens can't have guns, especially for their own use.

Of course you know as well as I do that you won't find these laws I wrote above because they don't exist. The original laws have been turned on their ear by politicians, judges, and certain groups. Should this president and congress get the chance they will turn more laws upside down to fit whatever their agenda requires. Obama keeps spending and this will require more taxes. We have to bring this to a stop. We have too much government, too many laws, too many politicians, and too little time to correct too many problems, unless we continue to confront politicians and demand they return to the original meanings of the constitution.

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