27 July, 2009

the weight of words

The professor and cop problem in Cambridge, has lots of people putting in their two cents worth since the incident first came to light, me included. From President Obama on down, nearly everybody on the TV pundit tour has blamed the problem on the cop and racism. I can't say they are wrong about who may actually be at fault. I can however say, they are wrong to point blame at someone before all the facts, "you know that old sunshine disinfectant thing", become available to make a credible decision.

There is a news briefing to be held shortly concerning this matter. I hope they don't find more ways to drag this matter out while the same blame of race profiling continues to permeate the airways. If that same "profiling" game continues, then the concept of fairness will have been rolled over. The longer the comment about, "police behaving stupidly", made by the President is left to bounce back and forth across the airwaves then the more likely that certain people will accept his words as fact, rather than just another comment made by someone that didn't know jack about the facts, "which he obviously didn't".

Something which should have never gone this far will not go away soon. The biggest reason for this not going away soon may be due to those comments made by the President and all the talking heads following his lead. His comments about the police acting stupidly may have been the extra fuel that added to the controversy, but to have someone, that taught Constitutional Law, and, while holding the Office of the President of the United States, making any statement about any case is unbelievable whether or not he has absolutely zero knowledge or knows all the facts.

Even Perry Masons' least ardent fan knows, that comments from the top law officials can poison the jury. "The police acted stupidly", having said that Mr President you can sit down now. Should this ever make a trial date, I wonder how Sonja would vote? um... i wonder

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