29 July, 2009

pundits say it isn't the media

Southerners are a big part of the problem with this country. The other problem with everything bad in this country falls into the laps of people like Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Hannity, oh and almost forgot Sarah Palin. Yep these people are whats wrong with our country, according to the talking heads on the Obama stations. I find it amusing to listen to some of the pundits of the left such as, thrill up my leg "Tingles Matthews", then there is our buddy, can't do a show without mentioning O'Reily, "Keith Olbigmout", one of the boys "Raiseshell Madcow", and, let me show you how loud I can talk, Ed "screams a lot" Schultz.

These people have the nerve to call the conservatives names and browbeat them on how out of touch they are with the country. When criticism is made against Obama these people go plain stupid. If the Conservatives find fault with some plan on the liberal side, then they really jump stupid.

According to the pundits the answer is for the Republicans to drop all their principles and lean more to the slant of liberal thinking then perhaps they will stop with all the hyper-ventilating name calling that goes with these pundits each week night. You don't have to worry people that won't happen. They are so keen-eyed that they can spot all the problems with everyone that opposes their view but, somehow they can't seem to find any wrong doing on their side. Imagine that if you will? The media not finding any fault with Obama or the Democrat team.

So you can depend on media to continue to call the conservative side all manner of names and blame all that is wrong or continues to go wrong on the Bush team and all those that believe in gun rights, the unborn, following the Constitution and, are not scared to mention God or Jesus in what ever setting they happen to be. Pundits, "Bless their little ole pea picking hearts".

27 July, 2009

the weight of words

The professor and cop problem in Cambridge, has lots of people putting in their two cents worth since the incident first came to light, me included. From President Obama on down, nearly everybody on the TV pundit tour has blamed the problem on the cop and racism. I can't say they are wrong about who may actually be at fault. I can however say, they are wrong to point blame at someone before all the facts, "you know that old sunshine disinfectant thing", become available to make a credible decision.

There is a news briefing to be held shortly concerning this matter. I hope they don't find more ways to drag this matter out while the same blame of race profiling continues to permeate the airways. If that same "profiling" game continues, then the concept of fairness will have been rolled over. The longer the comment about, "police behaving stupidly", made by the President is left to bounce back and forth across the airwaves then the more likely that certain people will accept his words as fact, rather than just another comment made by someone that didn't know jack about the facts, "which he obviously didn't".

Something which should have never gone this far will not go away soon. The biggest reason for this not going away soon may be due to those comments made by the President and all the talking heads following his lead. His comments about the police acting stupidly may have been the extra fuel that added to the controversy, but to have someone, that taught Constitutional Law, and, while holding the Office of the President of the United States, making any statement about any case is unbelievable whether or not he has absolutely zero knowledge or knows all the facts.

Even Perry Masons' least ardent fan knows, that comments from the top law officials can poison the jury. "The police acted stupidly", having said that Mr President you can sit down now. Should this ever make a trial date, I wonder how Sonja would vote? um... i wonder

22 July, 2009

Didn't Happen for me

Pretty bland stuff from the anointed one tonight on the health care speech. I saw little in the total speech that would show how this plan will be paid for and not cost the American taxpayer an arm and leg in the long run. No way for this bill to be passed and have it be all things for all people. Somewhere among its thousand plus pages you will find the huge cost not only in taxes but in lost jobs.

Besides the, nothing health speech, his comment about police acting stupidly really shows his arrogance. The police were called by a neighborhood good Samaritan and notified the police about a break in that was occurring. Police arrived and an altercation ensued between what turned out to be the home owner and the police on scene. The Harvard Professor/home owner was arrested. Straight away before Obama or anyone else could ascertain the facts, Mr Obama blamed it on racial profiling of blacks. Another hater of whites, Michael Eric Dyson, appeared on one of the talk shows and he also blamed it on the police without mentioning other possibilities.

Once again before the facts are all in, couple high visibility blacks are hollering racial profiling and saying this is all about the police profiling again and not possibly about this wonderful professor, whom Obama and Dyson happen to know. I disagree with the profiling claim, could it not possibly have been an irate home owner being a bit belligerent as well. This is nothing more than assuming things before the facts are known. That includes you Mr President. Give it a little time to be checked out before you go to claiming racism and all that junk. You know, there may just possibly be another reason other than profiling.

19 July, 2009

Stop the thievery

I am worried greatly about the amount of money this group of thieves has allowed to be passed out to financial institutions in this country. No one knows who is getting how much and they don't know where all it's going. The President said there would be a site people could go and check on what is happening to the funds. The site very seldom shows where the money actually ends up. Money given to people that have absolutely no right to it. This is tax dollars that hard working Americans have sent in from paychecks already smaller because of the economy. The really bad part is the billions are coming from thin air money that the FED is just printing up out of thin air.

"We inherited this economy and all the problems from Bush". That line has gotten old and Obama owns this economy and has since he was elected. It's time to do something more than throwing good money after bad. The general population knows what's going on is wrong and the politicians know its wrong yet they allow it to continue and they give us the finger. Our job is to call these worthless bums and do whatever it takes to make them understand we are sick of their lying and stealing us blind. Know your Congressman, know your Senator, and know this, Call them as often as you can stand to do so and tell them "you work for me and I want this waste stopped now". The zip code box on my blog will get you the information for your representatives. Please go to work people time is getting away from us fast!

14 July, 2009

The Deserving Few

I sat and listened to some of the hearings for Sottamayor earlier today and started to think how this was nothing more than a side show designed to keep our attention away from the real problems that face our country. Our problem in this country happens to be the very people that are supposed to be serving this country, the very ones interviewing Sottamayor. The people in Washington elected by the citizens of this country have turned out to be nothing more than a bunch of low-lifes, liars, thieves, back-stabbers, cut-throats, whores and whore mongers, anti America, anti God, self-serving worms, intermingled with only a really small handful of men and women with a true interest in the survival of America.

The people in Washington do as they see fit for themselves and their party and do not care about the people back in the districts. Greed is a very bad animal that has crept into the halls of our great capital. It has taken control of once good men and women and turned their hearts away from what is right for the country inward to satisfying self. The people that are doing these things don't have to be named. You know very well who they are, you see them on TV preening before the cameras spouting words they hope will sour the public against one of their opponents. This disease has infected nearly all that stand in those once hallowed halls. Few of those elected have built the immunity to survive this terrible disease.

The people elected have become so arrogant as to stand and tell us what we will do. They don't take calls from you if you aren't one of their big donors and if you do get through to them they pay little heed to what their constituency wants regardless how great the number is. If your request does not agree with the pack then it matters absolutely not to them. Today and the rest of the week the show about Sottamayor will hold first place in the news cycle. The news should be about the people that sit in the halls of those wonderful buildings in Washington. We have to somehow get more people to realize those people up there governing us are not serving us the way they should be doing. This year alone they have allowed more of this country to be sold down the river than in any time in our history. They do not deserve our votes they do not deserve their position some of them do not deserve to even be a part of this country.

05 July, 2009

And The Pundits Began

Their words of wisdom filled the airways, their knowledge was looked upon with awe as the peoples across the land began to gasp in wonder, "Why they asked?" Why does not this poor woman from that far land called Alaska have no dignity? Has she not remembered the lessons from the learned ones that her place was that of seclusion in her own land, that Alaska place, that cold land that guards the beautiful and protected place of ANWR, "Artic National Wildlife Refuge". Lo that she now has decided to step down from her job before she finishes her commitment. Her place now will be relegated to even further depths than all those that never finished.

Why could she not be like, "He who Leads with Wisdom" from that glorious sate. The land of virtue, wisdom, honesty, truth, fair elections, and ...Wait my bad, I meant Obama from Illinois.

The current word for the day is that Palin decided to step down as govenor of Alaska and won't finish her term. Now besides not having experience, "which was used in her vice presidential run with McCain", the pundits will have a field day with this new bit of information about stepping down as Governor. Yes by all standards she isn't like Obama. Immediately after he got elected, Senator Obama went to campaigning for office of President. For the remainder of his time as Senator the majority of his time was spent thinking about becoming president while doing little if anything for Illinois. As for what Obama did for his home state, his main accomplishments while in office was to vote "present". His real accomplishment was the great speech that was made at the DNC in 2004 that actually launched his career and led to the presidential run.

So now begins the "New and Imroved" Sarah Palin assault. During the coming years be prepared to hear every imaginable attack possible against this woman from the northland. The fields for attack are more open now than ever in the past. The media will become even more unhinged than ever about why she has done this and the real reason behind it. If you enjoyed Sarah 1 be prepared for, "Sarah Palin 2 the inexperienced "and"quitter from A...oh you know, that place where ANWR is.

03 July, 2009

She did What?

I can hear the talking heads now spewing venom about Sarah the same as was done in the past election. There will be Keith and "Tingles" Chris with the usual putdowns about her looks and her intellect. May as well get used to hearing it from all those on the liberal side and a huge number of the hard set Republicans as well. Wrong time, wrong way, too early, the list of reasons for her not to do this will continue to climb in the coming days, weeks and months. The sooth sayers will be numerous and relentless in the process.

Be careful out there all ye of great political wisdom and wit this woman probably has a few more surprises in her corner. Lots of time to watch as this all unfolds and all the men and women that will be giving their reasons for supporting or spouting their feelings about why she should not have left as Govenor of Alaska or the possible run for President in 2012. This is going to be very interesting.