11 September, 2007


Still the noise, and listen to the sounds around you. There are still sounds of sobbing from those who have lost loved ones in the towers. Tears still fall from the eyes of mothers, fathers, siblings and others who have lost loved ones in the war that still rages across the ocean in the sands of Iraq. How long do the tears continue to fall? How long must the sounds of sobbing be heard?

There is not an answer that can be given that will be exact, only a guess and even when it's an educated one, it's no more than a guess. We fight against an enemy that is cowardly in its tactics and ruthless from the core.Time brings more death daily, yet we need the time in hopes that our progress will push the enemy to a point where the government of Iraq will come together long enough to stand up where the people of Iraq can believe that the future of Iraq is one where they can see themselves as part of the whole.

There are those of us that have stood by this president from the very beginning and continue to believe that with continued determination we can bring this war to a point which will allow the Iraqi people to take matters into their own hands and allow the bulk of our servicemen to come home. There again is that element of time which continues to taunt and tease. Time is not endless and neither is the ability of our men and money with which we wage this terrible conflict.

Today marks another year that we have reached without another assault against our land, remember though that they only have to win one time and we have to win every time so the chances are that one day we will let one get through.We must not let complacency or infighting of the parties cause our guard to fall or our attention to be turned from this watch that we now stand.

I am concerned about a lot of members on the liberal side of government. They seem to not believe there is real danger from those that we now fight in Iraq or that this is all some smoke screen that has been put into play by George Bush and Dick Cheney. I find it very hard at times to think rationally when I hear some of the remarks about how this country is fighting this war to take over the oil in Iraq. The statements of how the president lied to get us into this war. The statements of Dick Cheney is in this for the money. So childish, and all the while hating their own country by saying things about how we are killing indiscriminately and just want to take over the whole of that part of the world.

The Democrat party will now have to face up to one of two things with one group called Move On Dot Org, a group funded by George Sorros along with other groups that hate this country like a-n-s-w-e-r
and a couple
of communist regimes and others that fail to come to mind at this time. This group put the big ad in the Times yesterday to welcome General Petraeus with the degrading of his name using General Betray-us. The Democrat party needs to offer a disclaimer or by failing to respond they will by default show their approval of the group.

Be strong in our fight believe in this country and its' goodness. We are truly a great country and work hard to do good for those we are supporting in Iraq. I would pray that more come on board to support this country as we fight an enemy that wants to do more than run us out of Iraq. Those that do not support this war need to realize the enemy could care less if you supported this war or not when they decide to plant a bomb to kill Americans

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