30 May, 2007

It's Amnesty Folks

Lots of illegals are in this country now and the president is saying those in his party that reject his policy for letting all these people in are not being good Americans. This statement pisses me off to no end. I stand by the president for many of the actions he has taken in the past and still support the fight in Iraq but this situation with the illegals has really gotten under my skin. There will be a virtual meltdown when the full impact of allowing this bill before the house and senate comes in to effect. There is this false argument that people who want the amnesty use when they say you cannot deport 12 million people. How about deport five hundred a week? How about start fining the hell out of these people that do the hiring of illegals. This argument about separating families is ridiculous, if the parent is any parent at all they sure as hell would not go off with out having their child with them. We didn't force these people to cross the border and stay over here and we don't owe them anything because they broke the law and now want us to feel sorry because their child was born here.

Yes, I am disappointed with the stand Mr Bush has taken with this immigration issue. I hope people pull together before it becomes too late and send enough voice to our representatives that they do the right thing. I say once again that this position the president has taken is one I cannot back. Newt Gingrich has taken a strong stance against this process being pushed and I hope that perhaps he can deliver some information to the public that will cause outcries in a volume loud enough that will create some sort of stand down and will kill the possibility of this bill making it into law.

1 comment:

  1. Carl, I agree with you 100% on this issue, I agree with alot of what the President does and say, but like you stated this is not an issue that gets my vote. Thank you for the info on Newt Gingrich I will be checking this out....
