31 May, 2012

all that glitters

BERLIN, GERMANY - DECEMBER 15:  German economi...
BERLIN, GERMANY - DECEMBER 15: German economist and former Bundesbank President Hans Tietmeyer attends the Ludwig Erhard Lecture on December 15, 2011 in Berlin, Germany. President of the European Central Bank (ECB) Mario Draghi, in a speech later on, said a 'short term contraction' of the Eurozone economies is inevitable. (Image credit: Getty Images via @daylife)

Banking in Europe is serious business and unlike the US who can print up money to cover debt in the EU that is not possible. Germany holds the purse strings for the EU with much of the gold in Europe already in the ECB. If any of those countries in a big bind want to get out of the problems they are facing then they will come to the knee of Germany with hand out asking for help. To secure that help you can look for Germany to demand something in return and you won't have to wonder long what Germany wants in return for their help? How about gold? That's what Germany wants and if those countries in dire straits wish to prevent falling into complete chaos will go along and give in to the demands of Germany.

The Vatican recently went through a problem with money laundering and lost their head banker, now they are searching for a new man to take over that position held previously by Gotti Tedeschi. The man probably headed for that position according to Trumpet mag is a German Hans Tietmeyer, former leader of Bundesbank and one that Pope Benedict xvi really likes and would be the one to manage the 'pope's strongbox' after all now Berlin is in charge of Europe's finances..

The next step coming from Germany for those countries in distress of needing help in the form of bailouts will be for those countries to give up all or part of their gold to Berlin in exchange for help. I write this because 70 years ago this very story being played out in Europe was predicted to take place along with many other stories  The power structure being created from this alliance of Germany and the Vatican will be the power or the glue which will hold the final ten countries of the EU together.
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18 May, 2012

diversions ahead

Yesterday a story came out about President Obama and his former Pastor, Jeremiah Wright. A plot was supposedly hatched by a Republican who is backing Romney and put up the money for an ad which investigates the relationship between the president and Wright.  A book written recently included a three hour interview with Wright and goes into much detail about things which could hurt the Obama reelection. All the noise is about the attempt by the Romney backer and his ad which delves into this relationship between Obama and his past not only with Wright but insight about the thinking of Obama.

To me it is easy to see why the left is up in arms about this ad.  It's their normal reaction to block the right if they attempt to show anything about this presidents' past which isn't in his own handwriting. But it goes further than that, and it boils down to keeping the public attention on anything except the economy. If Democrats have to defend the economy then they lose. Therefore you can look for all the president's men and women to do everything they can to push, twist, bend, distort, as much of the truth as possible. This is one of the reasons we have gone through some "incidents" such as Sandra Fluke, war on women, Bain Capitol, Jeremiah Wright and who knows what other distraction will be coming down the road next so just keep your common sense on the clock and working full time.
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13 May, 2012

watch always

The Fatimid Caliphate at its greatest extent.
The Fatimid Caliphate at its greatest extent. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
We have lots of problems here in America and the world has plenty of problems as well. Look at the Countries in the Middle East being overrun by people saying they are seeking "Democracy". Not happening. Continue to watch those countries and watch Iran especially. Egypt, Libya, and Ethiopia are falling in line with Iran and you can watch as these countries combine to form the modern day Caliphate that Iran has long dreamed of. It will come, and when it does the world will feel the pressure from lack of oil and more Muslim Brotherhood terror will grow around the world. This is the time when a force will rise up to stop that terror. Germany will come against Iran and the group they form will take it upon themselves to remove Iran once and for all. This will happen. Keep your eyes open.
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Iran Elections
Iran Elections (Photo credit: bioxid)

10 May, 2012

missile shield

Hey, did you know this is an election year? Yep sure nuff and lo and behold folks have come out strong with their ideas on how to sway public opinion to suit their political plan and their party. Now this is political season for sure but I'm not so much to either side of politics that I forget common sense in the argument when it comes to self preservation. What I'm talking about here is the argument over the ballistic missile shield. The fight has gone on for some time and even as the threat has grown the politicians have not gotten us any closer to solving the problem of protecting this country.

The Liberal argument has been N Korea and Iran cannot reach our shores with the type of missiles they have and therefore we do not need to invest money into  a system that may never be used. Well to that I say we have all those nukes planted everywhere around the country and hopefully we won't ever use those weapons either. But that just isn't good enough for me since I'm prone to believe what the thugs in Iran and N Korea have said in the past. Iran and N Korea both are very unstable countries and have threatened us in the past and for me and I'd venture too say it would be wise to think they mean what they say.

Here is my argument since those two countries have made it clear they not only hate us but would to see us blown away. I think we should build the system regardless if their missiles can reach us or not. Iran has made it very clear they are willing to strap bombs to people and therefore they don't mind taking a chance. They have made it clear they can take a ship and fire a missile from offshore and we would not be aware until it was too late. Should that happen, we as a country no longer have that five thousand miles of ocean to protect our asses. I say build the system  the cost of building this defense system is far cheaper than trying to recover from nukes blowing up New York ,New Jersey, Chicago and lets not forget the West Coast they happen to be close to the waters edge as well.
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