30 March, 2011

drill brazil drill

UnasurImage via Wikipedia
There is in South America a new union, (UNASUR) that is combining with other unions in SA to assure economic strength through trade and perhaps combine strength through their military. This leaves me not so sure of this latest Obama deal with Brazil. The EU has been involved with South America developing plans for economic development for some time now long before Obama got into the picture anyway. With energy needs being as important as they are a close relationship between the EU and South America would be a very good thing even as China has been very serious in their dealings with South America in their effort to secure as many rare earth minerals as possible, China needs energy also.

At this particular time for Obama to take our tax money and finance the energy outfit Petrobras in Brazil while we are left holding the bag with a no drilling ban in the same Gulf that Brazil will be drilling in is more than wrong and it leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Obama used the Sarah Palin term, "drill baby drill" to make lite of our energy situation and making lite of the thousands of American oil field workers who are now unemployed due to the Obama freeze on drilling. We have oil in this country and we need to get it out of the ground and use it until something better comes along but to hold the knife to our own damn throat is beyond amateur.
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27 March, 2011

beware the UN

Naale, Israeli settlement in West BankImage via Wikipedia
 In Israel five members of the Fogel family including three children age 11, 3, and a baby were found shot and stabbed to death in the West Bank settlement of Itamar. The terror group al-Aqsa Martyrs' Brigade have claimed responsibility for the attack. Israel in response has decided to build 500 housing units in West Bank settlements and of course this is raising all  manners of hell in the West Bank and will stir more attacks from terrorists in the contested area and throughout the Middle East. They will never stop the attacks regardless of the response from Israel.

I have thought a lot about Israel and the situation with the Palestinians over the years. Here lately with all the turmoil in the Middle East and this latest actions of rebels turning against leaders and then this latest action of the US/UN/ Libya, I've come to the conclusion this has probably set the stage for the UN to once again call for some type of action against Israel. The UN with Obama in agreement made the claim that Kudaffi was going to bring harm to all the people in Libya that disagreed with him and because of those threats of harm the UN would bring in air strikes. The UN could come up with  the same type of call to garner support and then make demands of Israel. It may not be the same claims against Israel as against Libya but with all the Israeli haters in the UN it would not take much to get a resolution of some type against Israel.

I do not trust the UN, they have never been fair when it comes to Israel and when an organization like the UN can give legitimacy to people like Chavez or Ahmadinajad and then in the same breath claim Israel is the one responsible for all the terror in that area. I just find that a bit  much to swallow. I hope I am wrong but the UN has been looking for something that would bring the members especially the US together on a vote against Israel. With Obama and his positive view on the UN they may think now is the time to come up with something. Just think back to when all the press went crazy with the "Peace Flotilla". That was the latest batch of crazies that got together and had plenty of backing from other kinds of nuts from all over the world which ended up being a bunch of total left-wing nuts that hate Israel. So the idea of the UN taking the Libya action, and then incorporating this latest problem with Palestinians and Israelis into the mix as an effort to stir up more hatred against Israel would not surprise me in the least. In fact I would be more than surprised if they didn't do it. There have been many in the UN and many people out of the UN thats been working for a long time against Israel and trying to find a way to destroy or at least nullify them. They may feel as if this is that time.

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25 March, 2011

brothers in the hood

Logo Muslim BrotherhoodImage via Wikipedia
There are many groups here in the US who are backing the uprisings taking place in the Middle East. These people and their groups are giving their approval in the uprisings yet they have no idea who the people are doing the uprising.  I don't see the media naming any names when it comes to identifying the rebels. I've heard al-qaeda is in this mix of people working to remove leaders from power yet none of the news outlet are focusing on those facts.  The media seems to be much too busy with praising Obama and his brilliant actions, actions which have yet to be defined by him or his spokesman.

In Egypt as soon as Mubarak was seen to be out of the picture the military leaders in Egypt decided it was OK for the Iranian Navy to sail their ships through the Suez Canal. There has been very little mention by the media of that fact and neither has there been much discussion over how the new foreign minister proposed the Egyptian border crossing into Gaza be opened. On top of those events Egypt allowed the banned Muslim Brotherhood cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi to return. This guy is a well known cleric and spews plenty hate towards Israel. From what has slipped through in some conversation by the Egyptian military there has been given an OK for the Muslim Brotherhood to begin their efforts in building approval for their venture into the Egyptian elections. The Brotherhood is well organized and will have no trouble with gaining the needed support to establish themselves in the prominent position. The recent elections allowed limited powers by the president and because the Brotherhood is so well organized this won't allow any viable contender the time needed to run a successful campaign against the brotherhood.

The terror problems in the Middle East lay at the feet of Iran. When it comes to solving the problem of terrorism around the world, whatever tactics the US and its allies attempt to use, unless they are willing to come together and completely remove the leadership of Iran their efforts will be futile and terrorism will continue to spiral out of control. The destruction of Israel remains in the sights of most Arab countries but for sure it's the bulls eye for Iran. Sadly I just don't think Obama will be there for Israel when the time comes and they cry out for help. Yes my friends the time will come, believe me it will come.
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24 March, 2011

harmony & power

2006-04-23 PrayImage by [ henning ] via Flickr
I've been watching events around the world for a long time and some events leave me wondering just how  much longer life in the manner we live can be maintained. If corrections are not made in our lifestyle and made soon then the bottom is where mankind seems headed. A problem facing all mankind not just America, is growing steadily. So many if not all mankind's problems facing every civilized and less civilized nation on this planet stem from moral issues. The problems continue to multiply well beyond our ability or our will to control them and then at our every turn we face more severe problems. Problems with finances, problems with employment, problems with education, problems with water sources,  and with food sources, and with energy sources, and with health problems, and during these latter times we have begun experiencing more serious problems than ever within our own families.

Rather than making new inroads the world continues to relive the past and although we are wearing different clothes and speaking different languages the process remains the same and the world has learned little if anything. It has been said over and over, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it". What about the poor souls who have never heard or read any history about the past? Well, this undoubtedly makes it worse for those people it is much the same within each family as we live and then we forget, and we go right back through the same old crap, generation after generation after generation. Every generation examines their surroundings and always they will assume with some new-found knowledge they  have discovered something new about life and shout out to the world, "we're here, we've arrived at a new and different place", and with these expectations they look further down the road with hope. But just like people in the past before you know it they will find themselves repeating the very same things over again and still won't understand why the same things happens again just as it has happened so many times before.

 Pride can be a wonderful thing if used correctly, but pride that comes forth in a manner that is boastful for sake of vanity is a pride which will bring downfall. Pride that comes with humility brings an inner strength which comes through to the surface and will be seen by others. We think we can control everything and have no need to lean on anyone or reach out to any source of help even if that source could bring us more insight and strength. There are times where we've become much too impressed with our own intellect and perceived strength, and when that happens our arrogance stops us from admitting our weakness and realizing where our real strength comes from.

 This country was founded by a people who believed in a source of power far beyond that of the country itself or that of mortal man. Their belief in that, "power greater than themselves" was the foundation on which they recognized a society with such values and strength could be built. They realized also that without those inner values, that society, that country, that nation, would not and could not survive. They needed something more than a simple base of people which would only amount to another country with another king to guide according to his will. They wanted and needed, something that would create a civilized society that could be ruled by laws which would set boundaries of right and wrong, laws that gave men confidence in equality, and they knew those  laws must be derived from belief in that higher power which could give man the opportunity to live peaceful and live in harmony with others. That something which would give those people and that nation, the glue to bind a civilized people with established law and set forth the experiment called America, was written in the Constitution and Bill of Rights derived from the core of Judeo Christian teachings. That quality holding that country together has been the harmony created from that, "power greater than themselves" and with faith it just may continue a while longer yet.

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libya & more

Hadith Oliyankara Juma MasjidImage via Wikipedia
Libya headlines the news today with France shooting down one of Qaddafi's fighter planes. Rebels organize in different areas with hopes they may be able to draw more people to their plight of forcing Qaddafi not only out of office but out of the country entirely. How this will come out is just the timing part. The end has been determined. When the dust settles Libya will mean more trouble to America because Iran will have a greater influence not only in Libya but there is Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and other Arab nations which the West now believes is turning to democracy  but in reality will become more radical.

Iran is this tree of thorns now growing throughout the Middle East and being watered by their brand of religion which believes in the Mahdi, the 12th imam and through creating chaos throughout the Middle East and the world they can hasten the return of the Mahdi and that will bring peace and stability for the world.
Other countries in the Gulf which have risen against their leaders will fall under the influence of this pull coming from Iran. Al Qaeda is doing much to stir the cauldron that is the Middle East today and were instrumental in the war in Iraq as they were able to move in and out of the Eastern part of Libya.

The president has seen fit to ally with a couple other countries and stop Kudaffi from murdering his people. Although Obama took a good deal of time before coming to this decision changing his position in the early days from a, "no fly zone", decision and then switching on the 19th of March to a, "humanitarian mission" but at least he made or came to a decision or sorts. You could apply the humanitarian aspect to any number of countries around the world but our commitment to peace efforts in the Middle East is not going to solve their problems. Look for these countries demonstrating not to end up as democracies and looking to do a little kum-bah-ya with the United States, but instead look for them to ally with Iran as Ahmadinajad grows in his ambition to be the leader of a Middle East Caliphate and you can look for Iran to secure the bomb.
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23 March, 2011

sovereignty and pride

The European Union (EU) Union européenneImage via Wikipedia
There are many troubles around this world. Earthquakes, tsunamis, economic problems, wars, rumors of wars, and there is that problem with Israel being surrounded by Arab countries ready to push them into the sea. Oh did I mention the EU? A country of countries swelling in size and importance soon to become a place of much more attention and will also play a huge roll in the Iran crisis. I will say at this time you can shortly look for Britain to remove itself or be removed from this group of countries. The people of Britain can't be forced to give up their sovereignty so easily and I think this will cause them not to stay in this partnership with the EU. I'm just not sure when the separation is going to take place but I'm pretty sure it will happen reasonably soon.  More on that later.
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free the oil

Brazil - The first 100% Brazilian oil platform...Image via Wikipedia
Obama went to and is in Brazil. Two Billion dollars are going to or is in Brazil per Obama. Soros has/had many fingers/something up/in someone/Obama, or perhaps whoever, in but suffice it to say there's a smelly connection in Brazil. Soros invested billions in Brazil towards the drilling industry although now he claims he withdrew all that investment. Of course no one would dare doubt any claim made by Mr Soros. I'm sure he has invested in some sort of supply chains somewhere which will be selling to Brazil to supply the drilling operations there. Perhaps he had knowledge money would be coming form the Obama administration and there would be no need to tie his money there when it could go elsewhere. Obama offers two billion bucks to do drilling in the deep waters of the gulf for a foreign country, Brazil. Obama shuts down drilling in the deep waters of the gulf for America but then with this 2 billion bucks, promises help for Brazil.  His action will be putting thousands of Brazilians to work and at the same time has shut down deep water drilling for America and has single-handedly caused the layoff of thousands of American oil field workers. Layoffs by Obama has caused extreme hardships for thousands of families across this country who has depended on the gulf for their livelihood.

So we are faced with a president who decided to give our tax dollars to Brazil and help another country tap into the oil lying beneath the floor of the Gulf.  American oil companies that have given millions of American workers the opportunity over the years to live the American dream are now on the sidelines. No longer will those evil oil companies employ those thousands of workers. No longer will those thousands of workers be sending children to schools and colleges paying hundreds of millions in taxes. No longer will those thousands of oil worker taxes be collected to help support the poorest in this country. No way can we have those evil oil companies making  billions in money because they might end up employing too many people and cause them to make even more money. Just think, all the money those workers are making, why they just end up having to pay more taxes to the government allowing the government to pay their bills. No we can't have evil oil companies making that much money. I mean after all those evil oil companies would just buy more equipment or employ more people or maybe even stick that money in the bank so the bank could make mortgage money available to those needing a loan. But on the other hand who knows, somebody would probably take that evil money and send it to somewhere like... umm, who  knows maybe to Brazil. You know?

It seems as though Obama would rather oil business shut down and have the US buy oil from Brazil. Then of course he would be able to give speeches to his green friends and also make a claim that his high and mighty stance is saving the world from pollution. Sorry to disrupt that dream but in reality there is no other country in the entire world that is more responsible towards the environment than American workers. But now because of this mans' action we stand idle here in the country that industrialized and brought more innovation to the world than any other country in the history of mankind. All the while there are those who continue to spread the lie about America only having two percent of the worlds oil all the while knowing there is no exploratory  record which would verify those claims. Unless this country or another is able to go out into the Gulf and into those other unexplored areas and do exploratory drilling there is no way to claim how much or how little oil is underneath Americas feet. So come on Mr Obama, I'm sure you remember the old communist line from Frank in your other life it goes like this;  "|Let our oil go Mr President, free it, free it, free our oil, free the oil, free the oil, free the oil Mr President!"
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08 March, 2011

let's drill mr president

Pay-at-the-pump gasoline pump in Indiana, Unit...Image via Wikipedia
With wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the current uprisings in the Middle East, here in America when  people pull into their local gas stations they are more than shocked when they see the price of gasoline. This rise in the price of gas throughout the country causes me much consternation knowing that America has oil which could be produced and brought to market if only the administration would get about opening fields for exploration and drilling. Once this exploration began this would lower the price we pay for gas around the country.

Protagonists around Washington want to scream that regardless if drilling was begun immediately it would be ten years before this would bring the results of drilling to the pumps. Then the same voices pontificate how the cost is from the oil companies and oil speculators. They claim drilling for oil will do nothing for lowering the price at the pumps. Well they are sort of right there because oil is speculated on by betting it will rise in price. And I would say to them, of course oil is sold in futures markets people. That is the very reason the immediate drilling would effect prices because this drilling would provide oil for the future. It does not take a rocket scientist to understand this approach.

Drill and drill now and do it everywhere practical. This president should give oil companies whatever incentive  it takes to put a drill bit in the ground and start turning because the sooner this happens then the sooner prices will begin to return to the level where companies and individuals can plan their future. The cost of every item, sold in every store, in every city, in every state, will cost more because gas for transportation is added in to the cost of what we will be buying. Unless we can get back to producing more of our own energy we will forever be over the barrel in debt to nations that do not care one whit for America other than what they can use us for. For this president to stand and hold this nation under his foot with the permits is not only wrong it is death to this country by making America dependent on foreign countries and their oil.
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