29 January, 2011


Sevilla: Former pavilion of the European UnionImage by harry_nl via Flickr
This time it is Egypt and the next time it will be someone else. I don't know who it will be but I do know it will involve Islam. It will involve the hate Islam has for Christianity and for the Jews. The other points that may come up during any of this is immaterial because the only thing that matters is that as a Christian nation we will face the fight with Islam. There will be no other end to our differences. It doesn't matter about poverty or freedoms it involves the belief they have about their religion and nothing else.

Islam is trying to take complete control of that part of the world and they want to bring down the US and Israel. On the other side of this coin at this point in time is whats going on within the EU. And within the EU there is a battle ongoing in Britain as to whether or not they remain a part of the EU. Many Brits do not want to be included in this mega state where they no longer are identified as the Britain they once were but are swallowed up into this big EU.

You have to keep eyes on Germany and what it is doing. So much is going on under the radar and some of what is happening has been approved long ago. The big thing right now is that Germany holds the purse strings of the EU and slowly they will push some of the countries in the EU out of the main circle which is designed to leave Germany in total control of the banks and they will hold control of the military which was once forbidden in Germany. The stage is  being set for activity to begin moving faster and will become more visible to anybody that wants to open their eyes. I will shut down now so I can get my black helicopter back to the cave.
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egypt erupts

Retouched versions of this picture from the ge...Image via Wikipedia

We have problems in Egypt and for the past couple days they are on the front page of news. Throughout this past year many items have hit the front pages and headlines in America and made top story on TV. A great deal of those stories have come from that part of the world. Many of those stories may in their own right be worthy of the headline they produced, none were really earth shattering enough that they could cause the world to go into great turmoil on its own.

That is, until this last event with Egypt. Now we are faced with the possibility that a country which has helped allow a small country like Israel stay themselves from annihilation will be overthrown Those people in the streets of Cairo and other cities in Egypt  marching against the heavy hand of Mubarak and his thirty year rule may not be content with a re-shuffling of leadership rather than a dismantling of the old government. There is a good possibility that the conflict occurring in Egypt may allow Iran to take advantage of any opportunity that presents itself during these difficult times and push for the Muslim Brotherhood to step in.

Iran will have their say in the turmoil which continues in Egypt. Whether it is through the Muslim Brotherhood or some other means they will have a greater influence after this incident than they did before. Egypt, is a country lead by a dictator who has been paid billions by the US not to present a symbol of democracy but help hold some stability in that area. There is absolutely no real freedom for the people in Egypt or for any of the middle east countries other than perhaps Jordan and Israel. And if Iran gets its tentacles into Egypt it will not be long before their rage for the extermination of Israel will boil over into the entire middle east and Israel will be left on its own with little hope that Obama will stand up for them.
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10 January, 2011

Now is the time Mr Obama

The flames of hate from the left are burning high today. Nobody is coming forward to ask people to stop the blame that's going out against the right and the T-party. There are crazies coming out from underneath rocks everywhere all proclaiming how this shooting spree in Arizona belongs at the feet of republicans and the T-party.

Very shortly the president will be on TV to observe a moment of silence for the shootings in Arizona. If the president does not take this opportunity to condemn the vitriolic talk coming from his political side of the spectrum then he should be held partly responsible for the continuation and probably expansion of the rhetoric coming form the left. I just hope he doesn't let this moment pass without speaking up and telling those people spewing all this nasty hate towards the right that they need to stop and look at this for what it really is and that would that someone with a mental problem went on a shooting spree. End of subject.

09 January, 2011

communicating tragedy

A sunset in the Arizona desert near Scottsdale...Image via Wikipedia
I expect to hear any time from those in authority how terrible this incident in Arizona was and begin connecting it to the internet. This has been something I've mentioned before that once this administration got into power that the internet would be one area they would try to get a handle on since it is the free dissemination of information that helps the people keep control of their government. How far this administration will go towards restricting certain uses of the internet is up for debate. I look for action to take place rather quickly and as to how far they will go I don't know. I also think there will be more to follow after the initial first step regardless how big a step they decide to take.

This incident in Arizona will have an effect on this country which will spiral out much like a pebble tossed into a pond. No matter the good intentions by those people, I just think the fix will far outweigh the problem. This problem was caused by an individual with an obvious mental problem. If this is not looked at for what it is and people blow this way out of proportion we could end up with not only our internet but cable communications itself under the thumb of Big Brother. Let us hope this does not go that far and hope that when the sun sets on this day the next sunrise will bring us a better day.
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blame game

Cropped from a photo of a group of predominant...Image via Wikipedia
It has begun, the TV is alive with people coming forth expressing their outrage and disbelief brought on by the tragic shootings in Tuscon. It seems to be an outrage much like I brought up in my previous post. An all out effort has begun which all fingers are pointing at members of the T-party and those supporting the T-party. Of course the blame list would not be complete if others  like Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, and of course Glenn Beck were not included. This has been a constant drumbeat from the left and has only gained momentum since the last election.

It will get worse. The left will bring out the big guns and they will be loaded heavy for big game. The MSNBC crowd will become louder even though they have been stoking the fires of discontent for a long time. There is nothing that suggests anything other than a very unstable gunman is to blame for this terrible incident but I think the left will only get louder as they try to lay the blame for this at the feet of the Republicans and the T-party. The media has already started to follow along those lines with the interviews and the clips they have been showing on the Sunday morning talk shows.

Pressure will continue and the talk will get more heated and  more pointed. The left is raising such a fuss about the vitriol which has been so prominent in politics by the T-party and the right, yet they are using those very tactics to show their disdain towards the right. We must not allow this incident to curtail any freedoms we have but we do need to listen in all cases..
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08 January, 2011

Gunfire in Tuscon

Todays' shooting of Arizona Representative Gifford shows just how callous people have become in this country. The shooting of innocent people for no other reason than to satisfy some internal hatred is a sign of something gone terribly wrong in this world. We can pray for those whose lives were lost and their loved ones. We pray for those injured and all those who will feel pain caused by this twisted sick shooting that did not have to happen.

I hope that certain people do not use what happened today as a cause against groups who have worked so hard to make change in America in this last election. I have in mind those who are so much against the TEA party. There has been lots of vicious accusations made against the T-party since they came on the scene I can see where this could be the perfect time for certain groups to call for some type of action on either T-party gatherings or more calls against gun rights. Some groups have in the past jumped in after these types of incidents and tried to use them to bolster their own special interest.

I hope I am wrong but I have seen what those on the left, who are hell bent against gun rights, have done in prior circumstances and this would not be any different for them to take advantage of this situation and use it against those on the right. The progressives, liberal/left of America have been looking for something to take the momentum away from the right since their big defeat in November and this would be their chance. Although this has absolutely nothing to do with the TEA party or the right I just see the tension that exists already in this country and timing in some circles is used without conscience.