31 October, 2009

time to fire the whole damn lot

I just don't know where to start today with everything going on in this country. Lets just go with Conyers and his investigation with the football folks and his concern about head injuries and dementia and things along those lines. I wish I could say this was nothing more than a joke on my part. You know that I was just pulling your leg and wanted to have some fun with you today. I wish it were true.

There appeared to be plenty of congress men and women investigating these football people. All our wonderful servants spent lots of time, money, and energy doing their"job". That doesn't include the money spent by those that had to be there for the questioning. I'm sure that air travel was involved to get to and from Washington for these hearings (what about that air pollution). Not to get too far off into the weeds with all this but I've noticed quite a bit of time, money, and services are spent in the pursuit of many of the "jobs" that congress takes on and in the end they do nothing for the good of the country.

I say all that to get to this point. Of the questions asked I was amazed to find out that their search was to uncover the facts that football players suffer injuries like concussions and later on have problems. DUH?

People! There is a couple wars going on, the economy is shot to #$%t, the government is trying to take over the health industry, we are in debt for trillions of dollars, we have a bunch of liars and thieves in office telling us basically the constitution is no longer valid as they try to force socialism down our throats. We have all this plus countless other problems that need the real council from true leaders and these clowns sit up there running their damn heads about what they expect the football leaders to do for their players. We need to stop putting these people back into a position of any authority. They need to be removed from the payrolls and their future compensation stopped, make them repay the people for all they have stolen from us and then jail the ones that have done those things to us.

29 October, 2009

Timmy the tax cheat

Geithner has finally, "in the short time in his position" lost his damn mind. This clown tax cheat wants more power allotted to the government so they would be allowed to make sure that companies don't get too big to fail. How are they going to do this? They want the power to tell companies this, sorry taxpayer"Not You Timmy", you cannot increase the size of your company. I can't believe he would have the nerve to say something like this let alone say it in a way to expect a positive response. But this comes not from him but from Obama.

What is wrong with this crowd in charge up there? Obama wants more power over the taxpayer to limit the size of someones business. Now people tell me Obama isn't a socialist. I just can't get a handle on this one. I'm going to have to come back later after I have some time to ponder on this. This is truly outside the circle here.

17 October, 2009

Palin and the Pundits

Over the past few days Sarah Palins' name has come up on several of the Obama news stations. Most of the remarks have basically been to express the same worn out half wit remarks about how this woman is so lacking in all phases of life, both public and private. You could take from some of the remarks that she is even unable to breathe without direction from some genius such as Keith Olbigmouth or Tingles Matthews.

I look at Palin and Obama and for the life of me I cannot understand how Liberals can find such competence and experience in Obama and then find no experience and espouse such incompetence in Palin. Along with these findings there is such vitriol that comes through the lips of the liberals that it borders on something similar to the Bush Derangement Syndrome. I can't swear it's hate but, it comes seriously close to that when certain pundits start talking about Palin.

Also when Palin is mentioned and it includes anything to do with future elections there is this uncontrollable panic that sets in amongst the male liberal elites. They raise their little squeal girly whine about the mistake the conservatives would be making if they should ever try to get Palin elected. I honestly believe that all the liberal TV pundits are wet-their-panties-scared of this wonderful all American woman from the flyover world and so unlike the spoon fed politicians from Washington DC. Along with their worry over Palin somehow they still manage to promote, with unabashed glee, a joyful hope for the supposed demise of the republican party.

She won't be leaving the scene any time soon and in the process she gains by her visits abroad and with her travels and speaking tours in this country. She will have much more to say this next go round than she made as the number two in the past election. So to my liberal friends out there, you are going to have to find some new strategies because this old line your using just won't work in the future.

09 October, 2009

Yea Obama!

Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Barack has won. He won the, "The World Still Hates GW Bush Award". I am certainly resting secure here now. Yes indeed, The world can go about its' business as it likes because I'm safe just knowing that Barack has won this great award.

It's just another slap in the face for Bush and the real America, that's all this award stands for anymore. Good thing about this Nobel Peace Prize is this, It puts Obama in such good standing now. Lets see who was the last winners? Oh, I remember it was, AL "save the planet from normal temperature rise" Gore, then we have that world famous peanut farmer from Georgia, Jimmy "I hate George also" Carter, and last but not least, was that fella with the checkered head scarf, the world renown peace person, what was his name.. oh yes, Yassir Arafat. Boy now there's a group of really fine people of the world that makes me wish I was a member of the Nobel Peace Prize Folks. How bout you?

Hey Nobel peace prize people, How bout you shove it OK?

01 October, 2009

You've got a choice

There are lots and lots of people in this country that live off less than $5,000 a year. Yeah that's right people, $5,000 . Then there are people out there that are making a bit more but still live far below the average income in the US which is a little under $30,000. People in Congress earn, "I mean make", almost $174,000 a year. In one month they bring in what the average guy/girl must work half a year to actually earn or, what those on the bottom must scrounge a full year to make. Now on top of these facts, these congress people write the rules that the rest of us out here have to live by.

Does this seem a bit bizarre to you? Do you see why there is such discontent from the common person out here in America? Do you see why those politicians fail to show up at town halls now? Do you see why they start begging for campaign contributions as soon as they get elected? Do you see why they make laws so complicated the average person cannot read the final product? Do you see why they do not want bills placed on the Internet before the bills are voted on? Do you see now that they have a set of rules for them and then another set of rules for the average citizen?

Tired of having your tax money wasted? Tired of having your tax money given to projects and people that fail to meet the smell test? Tired of having a person with less knowledge than you telling you how to spend your own money? Tired of judges making laws? Tired of judges using their position to create rights out of thin air? Tired of judges using their position to deny rights guaranteed by the constitution? Tired of being treated like a half wit? I'm tired of it. I'm damn tired of it. I see it. I see all of it. I'm fed up with it too. You fed up yet?

Do something then! Let those in congress know they are not above the law and that they must respect you, the citizen out here that pays their damn salary. The ones out here that can still put their butts back where they came from. But to do this you have to become involved with the process and get others involved as well. This will never change by itself and there are those out there that insist things will never change, so there isn't any need to even try. Friends you must try. You cannot sit by idle while this great country cries out for your involvement. For you to sit by idle is to discount all the lives lost throughout the years in the effort to preserve this great union. Get up and participate with vigor. We must not fail, the alternative is unimaginable.