03 September, 2008

The Gloves are Off

And the smears begin. All the phony feminist and those on the "progressive side", can now be shown up for what they really are. A bunch of phonies standing not for the right of women but standing only for the liberal side of politics. Here is a woman raising a family and working outside of the home. This is the very thing feminist and the liberal party have protested about for years. When it comes to standing up for Sarah Palins' right to raise a family and work out of the home they raise not one finger to show their sincerity. In fact the talk of fairness for all women is nothing more than that, talk. I don't expect them to stand behind her ideas but, they could stand for doing what is right by standing up to those that continueously attack her for reasons that don't have anything to do with her ability to be VP.

Does this surprise me? Of course it doesn't because this has been done before. Now I hear her SS# has been stolen and put into the news. Does this remind you of what happened to Michael Steele in his election a couple years ago? So the same old same old goes on again.

Tonight Sarah Paliin will give her speech and people will hopefully listen to her and make some decisions from what she says and not listen to the garbage of gossip that is filling the airways. Listen, weigh what she says, compare what she wants for this country and what you want for this country. Decide if those things which are most important to the welfare of this great country can best be served by what she believes. She knows we need more energy to help keep us from under the thumb of dictators and others that don't have our interest as their concern. She knows we need to stop the corruption and kickback that has become second nature and turned so many concerned citizens off to politics in this country. She also knows we need a strong military and has a son heading to Iraq. She is an American that believes in the greatness of this country and what it stands for and I believe she will be a plus for this country as a whole.